As I left for work yesterday, I took one last look over my shoulder to look at the clock to see what time it was. The particular clock I was looking at (the blue one above) does not keep very good time - it loses over a second a day, so I had to check one of my digital clocks make sure I had the right time... I've been meaning to replace that clock forever - even looking at some clocks this past weekend. For some reason though, after I left for work yesterday, I
finally decided to make replacing the slow timekeeper a priority. I've been procrastinating about replacing it for quite a while, just putting it off - like many of you are probably doing with your taxes right now. This particular clock had originally been upstairs and, until about six months ago, I didn't look at it that often. That all changed when my "good" wall clock (the wooden one above) decided to stop working. I tried several times to fix it, but to no avail. Eventually, I just ended up bringing my one clock down from upstairs to take the other's place - knowing eventually I'd replace it. Well, yesterday was that day and I think I have found quite the nice clock to it with. Now I just need to get a new one for upstairs...
Since I'm on the topic of time, I'm trying to figure out a good night to slip in a Dodger game before my trip to the East coast at the end of the month... I'm thinking maybe Saturday, April 14th would be good day - it also happens to be my sister's 31st birthday... Hopefully, the Dodgers will be doing a little better by that time - so far they are 0-2 on the season. Conversely, the crosstown Angels are at 2-0. It sure would be nice if they
both would make the playoffs this year.
Starting Friday morning, I'll be giving a daily analysis of the Masters... I hope you all will enjoy my commentary.
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